We resolve family matters
in a pragmatic and realistic manner.
We enjoy responding to challenges that arise in complicated family matters with the Collaborative Divorce process. A compassionate way to resolve family law disputes that focuses on achieving outcomes that will meet the emotional and financial needs of both parties in a manner that feels helpful and healing to both parties. |
Collaborative Family Law Services
In a Collaborative Divorce, everyone works together to reach mutually acceptable out of court agreements that are in the best interests of every family member. It is a different way of resolving family law disputes.
To protects the parties from being taken advantage an Independent legal advice lawyers are called upon when you enter into certain legal agreements such as Separation Agreement, Pre- Nup Agreement, or Cohabitation Agreement.
Family Mediation has been demonstrated by research to be effective for families experiencing conflict. It is affordable and timely, and preserves relationships where possible.
Parenting can be the most stressful issue after separation, but we are here to help. In the legal world, the term “parenting” means the physical time the child spends with either parent.
A Separation agreement allows both of you to deal with the division of the property, child Custody and parenting matters in an idea and reasonable manner.
These agreements are made between unmarried couples, cohabitants or engaged couples who are soon to be married. The agreement helps couples figure out what matters to each them with kindness.